Transformus Origin
- the Paddy Mirage / Irish Pub
- Non-violent Conflict Resolution (Edge / Gifting)
- The epiphany
- Seized by a passion to make it happen and an absolute certainty of outcome
- The Land: Sid : The Dream : Deerfields
- The first meeting : “$75k”… “No, its a gift.” Lady Entropy
Lady Entropy
- for fun
- the girls doing my hair and makeup
- being at a rave dance and forgetting my appearance and hitting on girls
- the drunken rape scenario
How I got into AcroYoga
- (how i ran away and joined the circus)
- Hoop Convergence 2008
- Sandhi Ferreira : “do you know how to base acrobatics?”
- The Flight Manual
- everybody I knew
- assisting Lila Donnolo