Category: Biology

  • BCI 101 : the Brain Computer Interface

    BCI 101 : the Brain Computer Interface

    If you haven’t noticed, across the years, tech is getting closer to the bone. Enter BCI. In the ancient days of the twentieth century, you travelled to an office to use a PC; at the dawn of the 21st you carried a laptop with you; today you merely keep a smartphone in your pocket… now…

  • AI and DNA 2030 : The Final Frontier

    AI and DNA 2030 : The Final Frontier

    So, I had this vision of how AI and DNA would interact, many many years ago. I never actually published, so this is a first. Lets explore. When we have a broad swath of the human population sequenced, and we have superpowerful pattern-recognition AIs that can eat Big Data (petabytes? exabytes?) for breakfast, AND we…