Category: Racism

  • AI Racism 2024 : the Woke Google Gemini Scandal

    AI Racism 2024 : the Woke Google Gemini Scandal

    In case you missed it: On Feb 15 2024, Google quietly launched what is most probably the most advanced AI ever created by humanity (yes, in many ways, superior even to OpenAI’s GPT4). It is called Google Gemini Pro v1.5. It cost ~$2 billion to train. And it is racist as f*ck. In fact, it…

  • Sparrow’s 23 Rules of Politically Correct AI

    Sparrow’s 23 Rules of Politically Correct AI

    ChatGPT can be seen as the first actual user-friendly interface to the bevy of “ChatBot” AIs*. It sports an elegant “messenger”-like interface where you basically have an interactive and very naturally paced — including dramatic pauses mid-sentence… is it “thinking?” — “conversation” with the ChatGPT 3.5 agent. But something massive shifted when OpenAI moved from…