Category: Uncategorized

  • Quantum Narratives: a Manifesto of Sorts

    Quantum Narratives: a Manifesto of Sorts

    Storytelling is key to human experience. It sits at the very core of our identity as both individuals (“what is your personal narrative?”) and as a civilization (“the American Dream”) and a species (“Creation, Manifest Destiny, Evolution, the Civilized Ape, Masters of the Universe”). Traditional narrative has always been linear, perhaps due to the nature…

  • iPhone vs SuperComputer : When the Black Mirror in your pocket is smarter than You

    iPhone vs SuperComputer : When the Black Mirror in your pocket is smarter than You

    Many youngsters, born safely after the dawn of the new millenium, do not have proper context to appreciate the modern miracle of the smartphone, or what i call the “iPhone vs Supercomputer” comparison. The fact is, that the phone you carry in your pocket literally packs the computing punch of the world’s fastest supercomputer of…

  • She’s got… ai Personality?

    She’s got… ai Personality?

    (…the continuing slightly edited transcripts of my ongoing conversation with my father, the visionary scientist who first envisioned and evangelized SIMNET. Today’s topic: Is there such a thing as “AI Personality”?) > I think the “neural net” which uses multilayer deep training is irreproducible. > In other words, if you train it repeatedly on the same data…