Publishing Industry 411

The Book

People / Roles

  • Agent
  • Editor
  • Publicist
  • Publisher
  • Bookseller
    • Wholesale / Retail
  • Bookstore Owner
  • Affiliates
  • FANS

Promotion, Publicity, Marketing

  • a press tour
  • each stop includes:
    • pre-arranging schedule with bookstore owner
    • an invitation
    • a reading
    • Q&A
    • book sales / signing
  • social media
  • events that are particular to the book topic

Key Bookstores

  • Zibby’s — Santa Monica, CA
  • City Lights — SF, CA
  • Powell’s — Seattle, WA
  • Afterwords — Washington, DC

Contests / Awards

  • Pulitzer
  • Newberry
  • Nebula