Category: AI Reality 2024

  • Why Tesla Wins : AI FSD : The Future is 100% Electrified, 100% Autonomous

    Why Tesla Wins : AI FSD : The Future is 100% Electrified, 100% Autonomous

    Have you seen a RoboTaxi? I live in Santa Monica. Two robots roam my neighborhood streets freely these days (c. 2024), and one waits in the wings. There are Waymos (waymo, the robotaxi JV between Google and GM), there are Cocos (Coco Robotics, the ultracute food delivery robots), and there is… Tesla Optimus (the humanoid…

  • ChatGPT4o Oh Oh Nooooooo : “She” — I mean “Her”– is finally here

    ChatGPT4o Oh Oh Nooooooo : “She” — I mean “Her”– is finally here

    ChatGPT4o-Oh is here. You read that right. Like Hawaii Five-Oh. Ostensibly, the “o” is for “omni”, a reference to the truly multimodal nature of the model (more on that later, it’s truly insane from a technical standpoint). Mira Murati, OpenAI’s flagship woman-in-tech, made the announcement: Preying on Lonely Young Men Now, interestingly, we really haven’t…

  • Volt Typhoon : Reckoning with the Lethal Sleeper Agent of the 21st Century

    Volt Typhoon : Reckoning with the Lethal Sleeper Agent of the 21st Century

    Two things : 1) Volt Typhoon, & 2) Axis & Allies Tech Stacks .. redefining the domestic threat level of global cyberwarfare operations, and the lens through which we observe it. Volt Typhoon This was the sentence that woke me out of my stupor. I had to read it three times slowly to make sure…

  • The Robots are Coming: Here’s the Plan, Humans!

    The Robots are Coming: Here’s the Plan, Humans!

    The wonks call it “AI job displacement”… but let’s just call a spade a spade: With the coming wave of autonomous AI software agents, combined with humanoid robot workers, there will be a massive leap in human unemployment. Ironically, it will probably affect the most industrialized and “developed” nations first. As mentioned all across this…

  • Why the 2023 Altman Coup Failed? The Ugly Truth : MONEY, HONEY

    Why the 2023 Altman Coup Failed? The Ugly Truth : MONEY, HONEY

    It was widely reported that within 72 hours of CEO Sam Altman being summarily executed and kicked out of the company he founded, that more than 95% of OpenAI employees signed a letter threatening to quit if he was not reinstated. And that this was why the Altman Coup Failed. In the popular and mainstream…

  • Sam Altmans outrageous 7 Trillion AI Bet: For what?!? From who?

    Sam Altmans outrageous 7 Trillion AI Bet: For what?!? From who?

    On Feb 8, 2024 the Wall Street Journal broke the news that our favorite AI wunderkind, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, was making the global rounds again (primarily to China and Arab States this time… interesting), this time trying to raise an alleged $7 trillion. (that’s 7,000 billion, or seven million million dollars!) So what in…

  • AI Racism 2024 : the Woke Google Gemini Scandal

    AI Racism 2024 : the Woke Google Gemini Scandal

    In case you missed it: On Feb 15 2024, Google quietly launched what is most probably the most advanced AI ever created by humanity (yes, in many ways, superior even to OpenAI’s GPT4). It is called Google Gemini Pro v1.5. It cost ~$2 billion to train. And it is racist as f*ck. In fact, it…