AI Deathmatch : Battle of the AI Heavyweights 2023
An, FINALLY… Google hits back. With the (half) release of Gemini , we’re ready for the cage fight of the century! No, not Zuck vs Musk… the AI Deathmatch! On Dec 6, 2023 Google upgraded its retarded Bard (well, sort of: Gemini Ultron Ultra doesn’t arrive for another 3+ months) with something akin to GPT4’s…
OpenAI: The 800 pound gorilla
OpenAI, under Sam Altman’s leadership, is responsible for the creation and upgrading of: a) ChatGPT, which is, to date, the most viral software ever, having achieved 1,000,000 (one million) registered users in the space of 5 days (and now, 100 million users in the space of 60 days), and has been the darling of the…
AI forecast 2030: Hypercapitalism, AutoCorps & the shocking Future of Humanity
We’ve now had an entire year for the mainstream populace to play with and grasp the consequences of a superintelligent AGI — namely, ChatGPT (and its siblings, children, and distant cousins). Now, it’s time to look at our AI forecast, and what that bodes for us and our civilization. For ease of digestion, I’ve broken…
LLM training cost: are Astronomical Increases sustainable past 2023?
What does LLM training cost? How much does it cost to train an AI these days? There was a time, when an AI training run could be done on a small cluster in your server room, across a couple of hours, or at most, days. That was cute. And ironically, we may someday return to…
10 Trillion Dollars (USD): What happens when the Accelerationistas Win
I recently returned from the first annual(?) TED/AI Conference, and one particular presenter, Cathy Wood of ARK Investments, exploded my brain and ushered me into new ways of thinking. The reason? Quite simply, her casual (and authoritative!) tone as she talked about emerging industries which were expected to be measured in numbers well north of…
Supercomputer Purpose: Top 10 Apps / Awe-Inspiring HPC benchmarks
GR: In the age of clouds, massive data centers, AWS and Azure, what is a reasonable dedicated Supercomputer purpose? As an answer, outline the top 10 uses of supercomputers today, in 2022. Supercomputer Purpose in 2022: ChatGPT : Supercomputers are some of the most powerful computers available and are used for a variety of high-performance…
AI Arms Race: the Alarming State of Cyberwarfare c.2023
APOLOGIA: This post on the current state of the AI Arms Race is nowhere near complete. But it’s how I choose to publish. Honestly, these days, I have so many thoughts about AI in my head that I deem “ready to publish” that I could go 24/7 for 7 days straight and not be complete.…
AI Training Datasets: the Books1+Books2 that Big AI eats for breakfast
It’s good to know, when dealing with an AI, just how it obtained its vast knowledge of “the world.” (or more particularly, the world as described on the internet… which, while similar to our physical reality, isn’t quite the same thing…) And as you might imagine, not all AIs are created equal. One of the…
How Much Energy does AI Use? Total Grid Compute Power & Total Energy Resources on Planet Earth 2023
ABSTRACT — How much energy does AI use? The purpose of this post is to get some big numbers out there, to establish some heuristics about how much energy the world produces annually (across all sources: coal, solar, nuclear, etc), how much of that is used by the global compute grid, and how much is private…
Reality Check: Calibration Targets for Generative AI (AI Artbots)
Being so close to the generative AI space, sometimes you get vertigo. It just seems like the milestone advances, which used to break through every decade or so, are coming daily… on some days, even hourly. You get the feeling that something… something has… happened. Something profound that took A.I. from a slow slog through…