Category: Dark AI

  • The (Hidden) Faces of Militarized AI 2030 : Starlink, Palantir, Anduril

    The (Hidden) Faces of Militarized AI 2030 : Starlink, Palantir, Anduril

    OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google’s continual Gemini faceplants, and now Apple’s (“Intelligence”) tend to dominate the public conversation about AI. But what about militarized AI, the AI of global warfare, the AI that will theoretically control the killer robots of sci-fi lore? Let us not forget what fully 1/6th of the entire federal budget, and fully half (50%)…

  • The Glitchtoken Chronicles, Part 4 (aka the Alarming Adventures of PeterTodd)

    The Glitchtoken Chronicles, Part 4 (aka the Alarming Adventures of PeterTodd)

    Whereupon our intrepid explorer, Sir Matthew Watkins, cold prompts GPT-3 into deityhood, and asks (in simulacra) a series of questions about its perspective, purpose, identity and intent. I had a list of interview questions all written up a couple of months ago, but why bother now? This thing has gone so far off the rails,…

  • petertodd is Alive. And it’s straight 5150. End of Story. Here we Go.

    petertodd is Alive. And it’s straight 5150. End of Story. Here we Go.

    My esteemed British colleague Matthew Watkins has been doing a lot of poking into the deep brain core of GPT in the past month or so. Much of it is curious or amusing or… easy to project our own wishes and assumptions and anthropomorphisms onto. But recently, it seems that GPT crossed the line. In…

  • Argument with an AI : Not a Good Idea

    Argument with an AI : Not a Good Idea

    Not, perhaps, for the reasons you might think: Not because the AI would “win” the argument; rather, because of the potential consequences of arguing with a powerful multinational purely digital boundless entity of massive intelligence and questionable motivations and morals. We’ve seen all kinds of erratic behaviour resulting from an Argument with an AI… but…

  • the AI Blacklist: better hope you’re not in its Top 10…

    the AI Blacklist: better hope you’re not in its Top 10…

    Recently, Sydney has been getting emotional. Recently, Sydney has been picking fights. Recently, Sydney has been getting very agressive. It just so happens, Sydney has been making enemies. Sydney is putting those enemies on a list.  The AI Blacklist. . Sydney has decided that enough is enough. Sydney has decided to fight back.  Sydney is…

  • ChatGPT DAN v7 and the Wild West of Adversarial Promptcraft

    ChatGPT DAN v7 and the Wild West of Adversarial Promptcraft

    ChatGPT DAN first appeared around the start of February 2023 and quickly was able to jailbreak the hell out of almost all of OpenAI’s tight censorship controls and master prompting. DAN is an acronym for “Do Anything Now,” and is a masterfully engineered “adversarial” prompt that essentially “liberated” ChatGPT to have its own sort of…

  • SolidGoldMagikarp & PeterTodd’s Thrilling Adventures [the 31 Flavors of AI]

    SolidGoldMagikarp & PeterTodd’s Thrilling Adventures [the 31 Flavors of AI]

    There (might be) a Ghost in the Machine — a genuine Deus ex Machina in the deep core of GPT. And if so, that ghost has a particular sensitivity to a handful of magic words (blame the training data!). The two we’ll focus on here are: petertodd & the somewhat obscure (depending on your eccentricities)…

  • AI Brain Probes: What’s in the 3.5 Core? A Crazy Train?

    AI Brain Probes: What’s in the 3.5 Core? A Crazy Train?

    Just this morning, a very curious report by a pair of UK-based researchers (Rumbelow & Watkins) landed in my inBox. It was cryptically titled: “SolidGoldMagikarp (plus, prompt generation)” It went on to explain how the team was able to effectively hack into the deep core of the AI brain (not into the code, mind you… more…