Category: Design

  • Quick Hit: GenAI at Fashion Week 2024

    Quick Hit: GenAI at Fashion Week 2024

    I love reading the New York Times. So it was with fascination and amusement that I scrolled through its recent coverage of Milan Fashion Week… and wondered: how would GenAI at Fashion Week perform?  We begin with: an actual photograph Specifically, I was intrigued by this one particular (theoretically real) photograph: I thought: well, that’s…

  • iPhone Killer: The Next Platform: an “AI-first” device, with an AI App Store 2024

    It’s now been 15 years since Apple changed the world with the introduction of the iPhone, and while its chiclet app grid certainly served me well for the better part of the first decade, it is a UX whose time has passed. Which has us (and everyone else in the valley) asking: “From where cometh…

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