GBR: Gregory Roberts

Richard Dreyfuss built a sculpture of Devils Tower in his living room and suddenly understands what he made

It’s coming. And its sending signals. Can you hear them? Are you prepared?
Movie Still from Close Encounters of the Third Kind © 1977 Columbia Pictures / Steven Spielberg


Gregory Roberts is
a Human on Planet Earth.

I am a serial entrepreneur, with 5 startups under my belt (2 with lucrative exits). Dropped out of Carnegie-Mellon to start my first company (RamWorks, a digital marketing agency) at age 17 (sold, 10 years later, in all-cash deal to NYSE:Modis). Primary Inventor on a diverse portfolio of patents. Early Innovator in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, AI, VR, & AR. Developed prototypes, human interface guidelines and best practices for one of the very first Augmented Reality (AR/MR/XR) Operating Systems (Meta, c. 2016). 

I help foster a non-profit (The Healing Entertainment Foundation)  that delivers VR headsets to long-term stay hospital patients and their remote families, enabling them to conceptually escape the sterile confines of their hospital rooms and to authentically connect with their remote family and friends.

I’ve experienced much in the brief 5 decades I’ve explored within this SpaceTime, and have much yet to be experienced. Perhaps some of those future experiences will be with you. Who knows?

There was a curious synchronicity between the emergence of modern AI into the public consciousness, and my re-entry into the world of tech. I tend to think that God does not roll dice:

Greg Roberts and the rise of AI, AI Art, and ChatGPT

This site is my attempt to share some perspectives, wisdom, and knowledge that I have acquired along the Journey.

We hope you enjoy.


Bon appetit!



Gregory Roberts - Science Magazine - Code by AI

Gregory “gregoreité” Roberts,
a.k.a. AcroYogi

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