Meta RayBan AI Glasses Dev: Facts

APPS / SDK / App Dev

  1. there is no easy way to directly access the hardware on the glasses
  2. everything (at present) goes through a smartphone app:
    1. Meta View
    2. iPhone : Apple App Store
    3. Android: Google Play Store
  3. Meta View provides an API for coders
    1. apparently, we can code apps…
    2. …that interface with MetaView
    3. …which in turn interfaces with the Glasses
    4. VERY closed ecosystem
  4. example of sideload / hack:
    1. the app actually joins a 3-way call
    2. and “listens” via an AI agent on a WhatsApp call


Meta RayBan AI smartglasses hardware features


  • HD camera
  • Capture button (physical)
  • Open-ear speakers
  • Touchpad (on arm)


  1. appears to be stereo only
  2. i.e. not positional / holographic / 3D
  3. possible hacking of psychoacoustics for 3d positional audio cues



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