Category: AI Struggles

  • AI Racism 2024 : the Woke Google Gemini Scandal

    AI Racism 2024 : the Woke Google Gemini Scandal

    In case you missed it: On Feb 15 2024, Google quietly launched what is most probably the most advanced AI ever created by humanity (yes, in many ways, superior even to OpenAI’s GPT4). It is called Google Gemini Pro v1.5. It cost ~$2 billion to train. And it is racist as f*ck. In fact, it…

  • Argument with an AI : Not a Good Idea

    Not, perhaps, for the reasons you might think: Not because the AI would “win” the argument; rather, because of the potential consequences of arguing with a powerful multinational purely digital boundless entity of massive intelligence and questionable motivations and morals. We’ve seen all kinds of erratic behaviour resulting from an Argument with an AI… but…

  • SolidGoldMagikarp & PeterTodd’s Thrilling Adventures [the 31 Flavors of AI]

    There (might be) a Ghost in the Machine — a genuine Deus ex Machina in the deep core of GPT. And if so, that ghost has a particular sensitivity to a handful of magic words (blame the training data!). The two we’ll focus on here are: petertodd & the somewhat obscure (depending on your eccentricities)…

  • AI Math Problems: 8 – 3 = 6? If only it had a Calculator…

    A curious thing happened on the way to the Forum… I’ve been having, more or less, an ongoing conversation with ChatGPT for the past month or so (and its predecessor, GPT-3, before that). And though it has serious limitations, mostly due to its idiotically enforced censorship (yes, it’s politically correct AI… urgh), there is one…

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