The Robots are Coming: Here’s the Plan, Humans!
The wonks call it “AI job displacement”… but let’s just call a spade a spade: With the coming wave of autonomous AI software agents, combined with humanoid robot workers, there will be a massive leap in human unemployment. Ironically, it will probably affect the most industrialized and “developed” nations first. As mentioned all across this…
Why do We Risk Our Lives to Climb Mountains?
My recent adventures on the slopes of Mount Whitney (see 1 the initial summit & 2 the redemption mission), and the dancing with death that were a result of both, has me deeply thinking about the why of mountaineering. And not just for me — for Alex Honnold, for Scott Fischer — for anyone who chooses…
AI Trends 2024 : Gregory’s Annual Crystal Ball AI Predictions
Well, its January again. 2023 was a banner year — perhaps the year — that will be remembered as the first time that actual human-level AI was released “into the wild” and got onto the radar of the vox populi. Now that our AI timeline is completely wrecked, its time to take stock, and predict what…
Safety vs Speed: the AI Jihad / Nov 2023
Upon further examination of the Meltdown / Coup at OpenAI, a story is starting to materialize. This isn’t about money. This is about religion. The epic battle of Safety vs Speed. This is the Jihad that’s been rocking AI frontlines for years now. So: this was not a corporate takeover from Microsoft. And no, this…
AI forecast 2030: Hypercapitalism, AutoCorps & the shocking Future of Humanity
We’ve now had an entire year for the mainstream populace to play with and grasp the consequences of a superintelligent AGI — namely, ChatGPT (and its siblings, children, and distant cousins). Now, it’s time to look at our AI forecast, and what that bodes for us and our civilization. For ease of digestion, I’ve broken…
Danger! Danger! Self-Driving Cars: Statistics vs. Politics in 2024
On this one, I’m siding with the robots. Self-driving cars today are already provably safer — far safer — than human drivers. There are a few caveats to this, and several subtleties to grok to understand the shape of the debate. Lets examine the angles: Self-Driving Cars are Statistically Safer today, fully automated self-driving cars…
The Death of the Internet and the Genesis of Language 1.0
The Internet was beginning, around the turn of the century, to be the end sum repository for all human knowledge. All thoughts, all books, all diaries, all photos, all videos… basically, a document repository of everything significant (and insignificant) piece of media that humans had every produced, from the beginning of history to the present…
The Meaning of Life
This is a poignant (paraphrased) excerpt from a great article in my all-time favorite magazine, The Atlantic. The Meaning of Life Is Surprisingly Simple By Arthur C. Brooks …How do you go about finding your purpose in life without endlessly spinning your wheels? The answer is: take that sprawling philosophical question (“What is the meaning of…
AutoGPT and BabyAGI v1.0, Evil ChaosGPT & EotWaWKI
I’m not up for full-on considered composition on this post, so I’m just going to copy and paste some stream-of-thought ideas from my DMs, interspersed with screenshots. Bottom line: Give GPT4 an “Agentic” (futurepost: What is an Agent?) front end, that allows a) goal-setting, b) net browsing, c) memory storage, d) code execution privileges, and…
Amazing Humans Built This: the 1955 Dodge Custom Royal
Had enough of the ACDC? The AI Catastrophic Doomsday Conversation? Me too. Time to switch it up. I proudly present: the 1955 Dodge Custom Royal. Perhaps, even a Custom Royal Lancer (that nomenclature is a subject of heated debate amongst the old-timers). In light of my views on Tesla, Amazon, and Apple, I recently made…