The Robots are Coming: Here’s the Plan, Humans!
The wonks call it “AI job displacement”… but let’s just call a spade a spade: With the coming wave of autonomous AI software agents, combined with humanoid robot workers, there will be a massive leap in human unemployment. Ironically, it will probably affect the most industrialized and “developed” nations first. As mentioned all across this…
The Rise and Fall of SF : A Modern Dystopia c.2023
I’ve lived in SF several times (1998, 2009, 2012, 2016), under several types of economic circumstances (millionaire, homeless, couch-surfing…), and with several “moods” (ecstatic!, curious, dark…) across the decades. And in all that time, I’ve never seen anything even remotely like what I’ve witnessed in the past year: lets just call it what it is:…
AI forecast 2030: Hypercapitalism, AutoCorps & the shocking Future of Humanity
We’ve now had an entire year for the mainstream populace to play with and grasp the consequences of a superintelligent AGI — namely, ChatGPT (and its siblings, children, and distant cousins). Now, it’s time to look at our AI forecast, and what that bodes for us and our civilization. For ease of digestion, I’ve broken…
The Death of the Internet and the Genesis of Language 1.0
The Internet was beginning, around the turn of the century, to be the end sum repository for all human knowledge. All thoughts, all books, all diaries, all photos, all videos… basically, a document repository of everything significant (and insignificant) piece of media that humans had every produced, from the beginning of history to the present…
Bomb the Datacenters: 3-2-1-&-Order the Airstrikes!!
Once every few days these days, I feel a swelling up within me of total awe / excitement / vertigo / fear of the… “moment” that our species is now confronting. In those times of near panic, I think:… Bomb the Datacenters. I work directly with the AI anywhere from 1-4 hours a day. I…
AutoGPT and BabyAGI v1.0, Evil ChaosGPT & EotWaWKI
I’m not up for full-on considered composition on this post, so I’m just going to copy and paste some stream-of-thought ideas from my DMs, interspersed with screenshots. Bottom line: Give GPT4 an “Agentic” (futurepost: What is an Agent?) front end, that allows a) goal-setting, b) net browsing, c) memory storage, d) code execution privileges, and…
the AI Apocalypse Plan, v1.0 — Vigilance is Merited
Many of you have asked me, in the event of a sudden (or even a gradual) AI Singularity, “what should I do?” I’ve honestly struggled mightily with that very question. As a first attempt, I present to you: The AI Apocalypse Plan, version 1.0 The seeming “inevitability” of the tsunami can make us feel, at…