Category: Future Forecast

  • Sam Altmans outrageous 7 Trillion AI Bet: For what?!? From who?

    Sam Altmans outrageous 7 Trillion AI Bet: For what?!? From who?

    On Feb 8, 2024 the Wall Street Journal broke the news that our favorite AI wunderkind, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, was making the global rounds again (primarily to China and Arab States this time… interesting), this time trying to raise an alleged $7 trillion. (that’s 7,000 billion, or seven million million dollars!) So what in…

  • AI Trends 2024 : Gregory’s Annual Crystal Ball AI Predictions

    Well, its January again. 2023 was a banner year — perhaps the year — that will be remembered as the first time that actual human-level AI was released “into the wild” and got onto the radar of the vox populi. Now that our AI timeline is completely wrecked, its time to take stock, and predict what…

  • Roberts Five Laws of Robotics 2024

    If you haven’t seen the writing on the wall — like this shiny Optimus robot model that is showing up in Tesla showrooms around the world — AI-driven humanoid robots are coming. And they’re going to need some prime directives. In tribute to Asimov, lets call them the Five Laws of Robotics. Musk states that…

  • iPhone Killer: The Next Platform: an “AI-first” device, with an AI App Store 2024

    It’s now been 15 years since Apple changed the world with the introduction of the iPhone, and while its chiclet app grid certainly served me well for the better part of the first decade, it is a UX whose time has passed. Which has us (and everyone else in the valley) asking: “From where cometh…

  • AI forecast 2030: Hypercapitalism, AutoCorps & the shocking Future of Humanity

    We’ve now had an entire year for the mainstream populace to play with and grasp the consequences of a superintelligent AGI — namely, ChatGPT (and its siblings, children, and distant cousins). Now, it’s time to look at our AI forecast, and what that bodes for us and our civilization. For ease of digestion, I’ve broken…

  • What is an Accelerationista? Audacity of the Phoenix Civilization c.2028

    As a young adult, I developed several theories about how I would move through the world. One, which I describe below, I called “Gas Pedal.” I did not realise at the time that it would align quite well with the societal plan of the Accelerationista. This is a serious and powerful school of thought that…

  • 10 Trillion Dollars (USD): What happens when the Accelerationistas Win

    I recently returned from the first annual(?) TED/AI Conference, and one particular presenter, Cathy Wood of ARK Investments, exploded my brain and ushered me into new ways of thinking. The reason? Quite simply, her casual (and authoritative!) tone as she talked about emerging industries which were expected to be measured in numbers well north of…

  • Spirit of the Warrior : All that is Required [Tsunami Dream]

    I had a dream… .    . . . . . . . …a Tsunami Dream. In this dream, the Tsunami was coming. We didn’t know when, and we didn’t know how, but we knew. We knew it was inevitable, and imminent. But from our vantage point, even though it was high above the land,…

  • The AI Revolution of 2045 will Not Be Televised

    The story that follows is 99.8% original words spewed forth by the infamous ChatGPT, one of the most advanced “natural language AIs” available to the public as of December 2022. It was written in response to 5 questions which I asked it, in series, about the future relationship between humans and AI. Based on what…

  • the AI Intelligence Explosion: the Brazen Truth for Humans

    Once AGI is created, we humans face a sheer vertical wall that calls to mind the setpiece from the legendary “Princess Bride”: The Cliffs of Insanity!!!! So steep, so tall, that they simply were incomprehensible to most all humans (except, of course, the Dread Pirate Roberts, our delightful antihero). This is the allegorical equivalent of…

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