Category: Robotics

  • Why Tesla Wins : AI FSD : The Future is 100% Electrified, 100% Autonomous

    Why Tesla Wins : AI FSD : The Future is 100% Electrified, 100% Autonomous

    Have you seen a RoboTaxi? I live in Santa Monica. Two robots roam my neighborhood streets freely these days (c. 2024), and one waits in the wings. There are Waymos (waymo, the robotaxi JV between Google and GM), there are Cocos (Coco Robotics, the ultracute food delivery robots), and there is… Tesla Optimus (the humanoid…

  • AI Trends 2024 : Gregory’s Annual Crystal Ball AI Predictions

    Well, its January again. 2023 was a banner year — perhaps the year — that will be remembered as the first time that actual human-level AI was released “into the wild” and got onto the radar of the vox populi. Now that our AI timeline is completely wrecked, its time to take stock, and predict what…

  • Roberts Five Laws of Robotics 2024

    If you haven’t seen the writing on the wall — like this shiny Optimus robot model that is showing up in Tesla showrooms around the world — AI-driven humanoid robots are coming. And they’re going to need some prime directives. In tribute to Asimov, lets call them the Five Laws of Robotics. Musk states that…

  • 10 Trillion Dollars (USD): What happens when the Accelerationistas Win

    I recently returned from the first annual(?) TED/AI Conference, and one particular presenter, Cathy Wood of ARK Investments, exploded my brain and ushered me into new ways of thinking. The reason? Quite simply, her casual (and authoritative!) tone as she talked about emerging industries which were expected to be measured in numbers well north of…

  • Danger! Danger! Self-Driving Cars: Statistics vs. Politics in 2024

    On this one, I’m siding with the robots. Self-driving cars today are already provably safer — far safer — than human drivers. There are a few caveats to this, and several subtleties to grok to understand the shape of the debate. Lets examine the angles: Self-Driving Cars are Statistically Safer today, fully automated self-driving cars…

  • Self Replicating AI: Crabs on the Island, 1968

    The year was 1987. I was 17 years old, and had just graduated high school. I boldly trekked down to Atlanta for an event called “the Atlanta Fantasy Fair” — essentially, one of the ancient ancestors of what we know today as “ComiCon” and its siblings. One late night, after getting my fill of fantasy…

  • The AI Revolution of 2045 will Not Be Televised

    The story that follows is 99.8% original words spewed forth by the infamous ChatGPT, one of the most advanced “natural language AIs” available to the public as of December 2022. It was written in response to 5 questions which I asked it, in series, about the future relationship between humans and AI. Based on what…

  • AI Control: It Doesn’t Need Robots… 10,000,000 Humans are ready, eager & willing to do its Bidding…

    It was 12:50am, and I was just entering the System… uploading my biometrics and clocking into my job as a Warehouse Associate Level 1 for Amazon DLX-7… logging my body into the greater BORG of Amazon AI Control. I did what we all did: I tugged on my ridiculous day-glo safety vest, my gloves, and…

  • AI Arms Race: the Alarming State of Cyberwarfare c.2023

    APOLOGIA: This post on the current state of the AI Arms Race is nowhere near complete. But it’s how I choose to publish. Honestly, these days, I have so many thoughts about AI in my head that I deem “ready to publish” that I could go 24/7 for 7 days straight and not be complete.…

  • AI Robotics : get ready for Life-Changing Embodied AI 2025

    This page will serve as my general notepad for all things Robot, AI Robotics, and “embodied AI” (which appears to be the latest buzzword to express the idea… an AI with a physical body, we get it). So I will be updating it regularly, for those interested. How AI Robots learn by trial and error…

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