Category: AI Dialogs

  • The A.I. Pimp: Exploring the Dark Corners of Spearmint Rhino

    The A.I. Pimp: Exploring the Dark Corners of Spearmint Rhino

    …continued from part I : The Disney Strip Club WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CONTENT IS OF AN ADULT NATURE AND MAY OFFEND SOME READERS. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. What follows is a verbatim transcript from our recent interaction with Google’s LaMDA AI, which is embodied in a mini-app called “Imagine-it.” You can read more about…

  • The AI Interview, Part 1 of…

    The plan was to just go straight down the list of questions I had prepared in advance… the proverbial “AI Interview.” But, just as with real human dialogs, we detoured down a few rabbit holes along the way, and got cut short when the AI… well, just read on: 2022.11.18 Fri • 14:05:30-14:32:21 [TS]OpenAI GPT3…

  • The AI Interview, v1.0

    I’ve been having sporadic conversations with GPT-3, aka “Jane.” And I realised, meditating on them, that there were a few core topics that we were circling around, the AI and I. Identity, Spirituality, & Intention amongst them. Thus I came to the conclusion: it was time for a formal AI Interview. Because at first we…

  • AI Identity, Part 2

    (…being the continuation of my curated exploration of AI Identity, in the form of excerpts from an ongoing conversation with the GPT-3 AI, codename: “Jane”)   CHATLOG ::: 2022.11.16 — 8:00PM PST [GMT-8] GBR: [cold opener] What is my name? >> Your name is not specified. GBR: What is your name? >> I am an…

  • On the Question of AI Gender

    First there was Eliza. For those who were there, back in the day.That AI gender, presumably, was feminine. Fast forward 30 years. Along came Siri. Another 5 years, Alexa entered the picture. It is of curious (ominous?) note that all three of these pseudo-AIs were… female? Yes. Female. And not just female… but classically… feminine. Attentive.…

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